Author: katescuisine

Flour Tortillas

Originally published on January 2, 2014 This was one of those recipes that was born from necessity. I didn’t have any bread in the house, but I needed something for the girls’ lunches – and there was no time to go shopping to pick up more. I could have just made my go-to sourdough bread, but […]

Gordon’s Green Bean Satay

Originally published on January 3, 2014 I saw Gordon Ramsay cook this dish on his Food Network show, “Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Home Cooking.” (Don’t have the app yet, as I’m waiting for a reason to spend $6.99 on such a thing, but it is available in the App Store.) I was intrigued that someone combined […]

Ree’s Blackberry Cobbler

Originally published on January 5, 2014 My grandmother grows blackberries because of all the health benefits they hold within them. And she grows lots of blackberries. Each summer her plants blossom in all their glory, and she spends a great deal of time talking about the time it takes to just pick the darned things. The plants […]

Tempura Green Beans

Originally published on January 7, 2014 Did you know that today is National Tempura Day? I tell ya, it’s getting hard to keep up with all of these food holidays, with one landing on nearly every single day of the year. Best to just find the ones you really love and celebrate those alone, I […]

Chicken and Waffles

Originally published on January 12, 2014 Who ever first thought up Chicken and Waffles? I just heard of this food a few years ago and at first I have to admit, the thought of it didn’t do much for me. I mean really, chicken and waffles? But as I’ve watched more and more people make […]

Chuck’s Braised Short Ribs

Originally published on January 13, 2014 Braised short ribs are one of those dishes I’ve always wanted to make but for some reason, the grocery stores I visit never seem to have them. Imagine my delight this past weekend when browsing through the meat section, there they were. Deeply red short ribs, perfectly marbled with […]

Did Your Turkey Stock turn to Jelly?

Originally published on January 14, 2014 A weird thing happened to me after Christmas break this year. I had the honour of having most of my family over to my house on Christmas Day, and I cooked up a big gorgeous turkey for us to indulge in. Afterwards of course, I scooped up all the […]

Doritos Chicken Casserole

Originally published on January 15, 2014 This casserole was sent my way via my mom, who finds some pretty fantastic stuff from around the Web. When I made it, my kids were instantly in love and have asked for it repeatedly since. If you feel strongly about not using canned soups or mixes in your […]

Stuffed Tomatoes

Originally published on January 16, 2014 You can take just about any vegetable and stuff it with just about anything and I’ll love it. The same is true for these tomatoes (I know, I know, tomatoes are actually a fruit!) The things I stuffed these with are just the items I happened to have on […]

Sweet and Spicy Chicken

Originally published on January 17, 2014 I had taken some chicken drumsticks out of the freezer one day, not knowing for most of the day what I had planned to do with them. I did a quick search when I just couldn’t go on being indecisive any longer, and had to get dinner onto the […]