Gnocchi with Chicken and Bacon

I used to be the type that would turn my nose up at recipes that included canned soup and other prepared mixes. It was probably a bit snobby of me but at the time, I thought scratch should mean just that – scratch. The pandemic taught me, though, that not all ingredients are available at all times and there is absolutely nothing wrong with making substitutions, even when they are not completely necessary. This gnocchi recipe shows just how delicious food can turn out when you use these prepared ingredients and as a bonus, they take just a fraction of the time to make. And after all, I wasn’t making the gnocchi from scratch, so who really cares how the sauce was made? I certainly don’t, and I’m sure I will make it again.


5 slices of bacon

2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, diced into bite-size pieces

1 onion, diced

1 284 ml can of condensed tomato soup

1 cup soy milk

18 ounces fresh gnocchi

1 cup Parmesan cheese, shredded

2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped




1.) Place bacon in a skillet. Turn heat to medium and fry until crispy, flipping often. When bacon is finished, drain on paper towel and then chop into smaller pieces.

2.) Keep the frying pan on medium and add chicken pieces. Salt and pepper lightly and fry chicken until it is cooked through. Remove from frying pan.

3.) Add onion to the fat in the pan, adding a splash of olive oil if pan is running dry. Sauté onion until it is just soft.

4.) Add the can of condensed tomato soup then fill can with water and add this to the pan, as well.

5.) Add the soy milk to the pan and stir well. Bring to a simmer.

6.) Add the Parmesan cheese, parsley, fresh gnocchi, and cooked bacon and chicken. Stir well and simmer for 5 minutes until gnocchi is slightly puffed and cooked through and the rest of the dish is hot.

7.) Serve and enjoy!