Author: katescuisine


Originally published on February 15, 2014 Profiteroles *sigh*. Need I say anything else, really? 1 recipe choux pastry 1 bag milk chocolate chips 1 cup whipping cream 3 tablespoons sugar Directions: 1.) Slice tops off choux pastry and set aside. 2.) Create a double boiler by placing a large metal or glass bowl over a saucepan filled with an […]


Originally published on February 16, 2014 They say that if you want to make pasta dough but have never done it before, gnocchi is a great one to start with. It’s pretty forgiving and doesn’t require the technical hand that other types of pasta dough do. However, you still have to be careful and not rush the […]

Brown Butter and Sage Sauce

Originally published on February 16, 2014 I love butter. I especially love it when it becomes brown, intensifies in flavour, and just makes me oh so happy. I also love sage. Fresh sage, that’s been fried in that mouth-watering brown butter, until it’s super crisp and also takes on an even deeper flavour. Combining the […]

Leola’s Cornbread

Originally published on February 19, 2014 I’ve tried many different cornbread recipes. But ever since my mother-in-law passed down several cookbooks to me, one of which had this perfect cornbread recipe in it, this is the one I keep going back to. Leola’s cornbread, straight out of Time Life Books, and quite possibly the best […]

Watermelon Margarita

Originally published on February 20, 2014 Today is National Margarita Day, right smack dab in the middle of winter! I know that watermelon might not be the first flavour you think of when concocting (or ordering) a margarita, but trust me. This summer when you have all that extra watermelon in your fridge that you […]

There’s More than One Way to Roast a Pepper

Originally published on February 22, 2014 I’ve always been kind of fascinated with roasted peppers. I mean, you take this vegetable with super crisp and glossy skin, roast it for a few minutes, and it completely changes everything about it. The skin becomes withered, the flesh of the vegetable becomes something soft and pliable. And […]


Originally published on February 23, 2014 Popcorn might not be the most sophisticated or gourmet thing you’ll ever make, but I’ll let you in on a little secret. If you buy actual kernels of corn rather than the pre-packaged microwave stuff, you’ll save yourself mega bucks and will be able to flavour the popcorn however you want. […]

Hoagie Rolls

Originally published on February 25, 2014 You can use regular bread dough to make hoagie rolls, but I seriously suggest using a separate recipe such as this one. Not only does it take much less time, but the buns seem to come out softer and fluffier and of course, they have those signature markings across the top. […]

Pasta Al Pangrattato

Originally published on February 27, 2014 Pasta is one of those dishes that doesn’t really need a whole lot of changing up, in my opinion. It’s one of my favourite things to eat, and you can put down a plate in front of me that’s just pasta and sauce and I’d be very, very happy. […]

Onion Rings

Originally published on February 28, 2014 Who doesn’t love onion rings? They’re so good, and this recipe reminds me of some of the best onion rings on the planet – those that come from A&W. Anyone else think the same? Whatever these rings remind you of, they are delicious and pretty easy to make. Ingredients: […]