Author: katescuisine

Estonian Chicken

Originally published on November 1, 2016 I’ve talked a lot about my grandma on my blog, but I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned that she’s Estonian. She fled from the country when she was in her late teens/early twenties, and she’s got one of the most interesting stories of anyone I’ve ever met. Scratch […]

Deep Fried Pickles

Originally published on November 14, 2016 For me, this recipe demonstrated exactly why you should never say you don’t like something until you try it. Now don’t get me wrong. I have always loved deep fried pickles. I mean, what’s not to love about a crispy coating that covers that tart and crunchy pickle inside? But, I have always […]

Prosciutto-Wrapped Asparagus

Originally published on November 29, 2016 I love wrapping things in prosciutto, and when it comes to asparagus, there’s more than one way to do it. Well actually, there’s only one way to wrap prosciutto around asparagus. It’s your basic “drop it on and roll it up” technique, but there’s more than one way to enjoy prosciutto-wrapped asparagus. You can leave […]

Twisty Roasted Garlic Breadsticks

Originally published on December 10, 2016 We make pizza a lot over here and last time, I had a whole other batch of pizza dough left over. Feeling ambitious, I decided to whip up some breadsticks to serve alongside the pizza. As I was rolling them out, I had a vision. I’ve made “twisty breadsticks” before, but found that […]

Potato, Pepper and Bacon Frittata

Originally published on December 12, 2016 The girls and I love frittatas, me especially. If I don’t have anything for breakfast (or on weekends, for lunch), a frittata is the easiest thing to whip up. And they’re a great way to use up leftovers. For this one I used some home fries I had in the freezer from our last […]

Oreo Cheesecake Stuffed into a Chocolate Cake

Originally published on December 20, 2016 It was hubby’s birthday this week! And while that’s enough excitement in itself, it also meant that it was time again for Oreo cheesecake, something that has become a bit of a tradition in our house. This year though, I wanted to do something a bit different; something more than […]

Mexican Stuffed Chicken

Originally published on January 21, 2017 I’m going to be honest with you. I’m not a huge fan of chicken breasts. I know, I know, the white meat is preferred by many, and KFC will even charge you extra if you ask for a bucket of “all-white” meat. But chicken can already be somewhat boring […]

Tie Dye Cake

Originally published on January 26, 2017 We had a birthday around these parts earlier this month! My older daughter turned 11. 11! How hard is that to believe? Well, probably not so much for you, but for us it just didn’t seem right. The whole time flying by, etc. etc. But I digress, because I’m […]

Frozen Lime Margarita

Originally published on February 7, 2017 The Super Bowl was this past weekend, and we had major celebrations around our house! With just the four of us, there was plenty of food to go around (and some that’s still in our fridge), and we all got pumped (for our different reasons) to cheer on the Atlanta […]

Balsamic Pork Tenderloin

Originally published on February 8, 2017 With very little prep and a short cook time, this Balsamic Pork Tenderloin puts a meal on your table that looks gourmet, and tastes great to boot! I would also like to point out that I love capers. I’m actually kind of obsessed with them right now and try to throw […]