Author: katescuisine

Beef Barley Soup

Originally published on November 15, 2009 This recipe is so good and while I didn’t use an actual recipe for it, I can’t say that I came up with it all by myself. It’s beef barley soup for cryin out loud! I hardly invented it! But it’s not too hard to figure out and you […]

Cabbage Rolls

Originally published on December 3, 2009 Cabbage rolls do take quite a bit of work but it’s always well worth it! I’m the only one who likes them in my family so when I make them, I freeze most of the tray in smaller portions and have them ready for whenever I want them. Instead […]

Spinach and Cheese Puff

Originally published on December 6, 2009 This is a recipe that I got from Martha Stewart’s website and it is fantastic! I actually used goat cheese in place of Gruyere cheese and I think it turned out even better. (I mean really, who doesn’t like goat’s cheese?) It was also super easy to make with all of the […]

Banana Bread with Pecans

Originally published on January 17, 2010 Who doesn’t love banana bread? It’s just one of those foods that’s sweet, filling, and very very comforting. I don’t know where I got this recipe originally but I recently dug it out from the waaaay back of my recipe box and am I ever glad that I found […]

Sausage Pepper Casserole

Originally published on January 26, 2010 I came up with this recipe one day when I really wanted macaroni and cheese, but I wanted something different. And this one’s pretty good! The rice sort of takes on a creamy texture due to the sauce, and the spice of the Italian sausage adds a really good […]

Stuffed Acorn Squash

Originally published on February 23, 2010 I was lucky enough to be given a bunch of acorn squash and wanted something more to do with it than just roast it. So I came up with this stuffed squash recipe and it is delicious! To be honest, I didn’t even know if I was going to […]

Butternut Squash Soup

Originally published on March 23, 2010 Another classic soup for a cold winter or fall day! This one combines deliciously sweet flavours with salty and deep flavours. All for one perfect bowl of wonderfulness! This soup freezes beautifully, so you can make a huge batch of it and freeze it for another cold day. For […]

Sourdough Bread

Originally published on August 17, 2010 I got this recipe from Cooking Bread, and while it was titled “Buttermilk Bread”, and I thought I was just going to make a rich and delicious white bread, it turned out to be sourdough bread. Whether that’s because it’s actually a sourdough recipe, or because the substitutions I made […]

Fried Breaded Meatballs

Originally published on August 31, 2010 There are tons of different ways to make meatballs. You can bake them, cook them right in the sauce, throw them straight into the slow cooker, or cook them just about any other way that you want. I’m sure you could even try poaching some! But breading them and […]