Author: katescuisine

Red Slaw

Originally published on July 16, 2014 I go back to my hometown a couple times a year, and I always love doing foodie experiments while I’m there (and I don’t think anyone minds being my guinea pigs.) This past visit, we had an abundance of red cabbage to work with and so, after several other red cabbage experiments, I […]

10 Minute Chops

Originally published on July 19, 2014 Sometimes you just don’t have a lot of time to get dinner on the table and on those nights, it’s helpful if you can keep a few tips in mind. For me, it means using a quick-cooking protein (us carnivores rarely go meatless around here,) that doesn’t require a […]

Raspberry Crumble Pie

Originally published on July 20, 2014 Sometimes I can’t decide whether I want a crumble or a pie, so why not combine the two and get the best of both worlds? My younger daughter loves this dessert because she’s “not a big fan of pie” (her words, and she’s 6) but it’s got that sweet and […]

24 Hour Chicken

Originally published on July 22, 2014 Something serendipitous happened in my kitchen several weeks ago. I had prepared a marinade for some chicken breasts, got them swimming in it in the fridge, and was just waiting for them to have a little soak before I threw them on the grill. Then, my kids both burst through the front door, […]

Not Your Average Boiled Beets

Originally published on July 23, 2014 Take any vegetable, boil it for a good 45 minutes, and when you remove it from the water you’re pretty much guaranteed that it’s going to be flavourless and completely boring, right? Well, that might be true for most vegetables, but when you’re talking about beets, it’s a whole other story. […]

Meatloaf with Bacon Gravy

Originally published on July 25, 2014 I love meatloaf. I mean, I love love love meatloaf. I don’t even know why I love it so much, really. Maybe it’s because I grew up on it and my grandma knew her way around a good meatloaf. Maybe it’s because you can do so much with it, and still keep true […]

Leftover Pulled Pork Sandwiches

Originally published on July 30, 2014 Last time I went home to visit my mom, I made a delicious pork tenderloin one night. Before I made it, we couldn’t decide whether I should make both pieces that were in her freezer, or just one. Because I always opt on the side of “have enough to feed an army if […]

Chicken Pot Pie

Originally published on July 31, 2014 I sometimes find that chicken can be a somewhat boring ingredient. I mean, it doesn’t really have a whole ton of flavour on its own and I rarely order it in restaurants, simply because I eat so much of it at home. At the same time, it can be […]

Crispy Chicken Caesar Salad

Originally published on August 1, 2014 Chicken fingers don’t last for very long in my house. I have two children who are like finger monsters and eat them just about any chance they get. But I also have a husband with a very limited palate (I don’t know, is that a nicer way to say he’s […]

How to Make Homemade Croutons

Originally published on August 2, 2014 So you’ve purchased a beautiful loaf of Italian or French bread to sop up your spaghetti sauce one night, and now you’re left with half a loaf that you just don’t know what to do with. Well, you could just continue buttering it and serving it as a side to any […]