Slow-Roasted Salmon with Pineapple Salsa

One of the best things about salmon is that there are so many different ways to cook it. Out of all of them, slow-roasting has got to be my favourite. It is still fish and so in this case, slow-roasting only means a mere 30 minutes or so. Once it comes out of the oven, you will have the most succulent salmon that is never overdone, never dry. It’s virtually impossible with all of that olive oil sitting on top of it.

But the salmon isn’t even the best part of the story. Because really, it’s just a vehicle for that refreshing pineapple salsa. It’s so fresh, even when you use frozen pineapple like I did. Get a little bit of everything all in one bite and it truly is a beautiful thing.

Ingredients for the salmon:

2 pound boneless side of salmon (I leave the skin on until I serve, as it’s not meant to be eaten in this recipe)



Enough olive oil to just cover the salmon

6 – 8 lemon slices

Ingredients for the pineapple salsa:

1 cup frozen pineapple chunks, thawed and finely chopped

1/2 red onion, finely chopped

1/2 red bell pepper, finely chopped

1 jalapeƱo pepper, minced with some seeds (leave seeds out if sensitive to heat)

1 tablespoon cilantro, finely chopped (can substitute parsley)

Juice of 1 lime

1 clove garlic, minced

1/2 teaspoon white sugar



1.) Mix all ingredients for the pineapple salsa well. Place in fridge and let sit for at least one hour to allow flavours to marry.

2.) Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit.

3.) Place salmon, skin-side down, into a greased 9″ x 13″ casserole dish and season with salt and pepper. Cover with enough olive oil just to cover the fish. Lay lemon slices over top.

4.) Place salmon into preheated oven and roast for 30 – 35 minutes, until it is just starting to flake and is cooked through.

5.) After removing salmon from oven, use a spatula to separate the flesh from the skin. Plate salmon and top with pineapple salsa.

6.) Serve and enjoy!