Originally published on June 14, 2014
My mom is a proud member of the Stamford Lioness in Niagara Falls. There are many benefits to being part of such a great club, but aside from the biggest ones (you know,like being part of the community and serving others) she also gets to meet a lot of really great people and eat a ton of really good food. She recently had a meeting out of town at the Beamsville Lioness for Mexican Night, and everyone brought a dish. This guacamole was brought by a lady named Cheryle (who’s now known as Guac Royalty in my books.)
I typically trust my mom when she tells me that something is really, really good. After all, she’s never lead me astray before. But when she uses phrases like “da bomb,” I know it’s gotta be serious. She asked for the recipe and then passed it on to me, and it wasn’t in my hot little hands for too long before I was in my kitchen whipping up a batch for myself. I leave you now, with the recipe and these words of advice from my mom. “It’s da bomb. You will love it.”
4 ripe avocados, mashed but still a bit chunky
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and finely chopped
1/4 cup cilantro, chopped (leaves and tender stems)
Juice from one lime
1 medium tomato, seeds and pulp removed then finely chopped
1/4 cup sour cream
2 green onions, finely chopped
1 or 2 garlic cloves, grated or finely chopped
1.) Mix all the ingredients together thoroughly, taste, and adjust seasonings if necessary. Use immediately or wrap tightly in the fridge to store.
2.) Serve with nachos, tortillas, or pita chips, and enjoy!