Author: katescuisine

Overnight Bread

Originally published on February 23, 2017 The people in my house love bread. Me? Sure I like it. Ya know, sandwiches are one of my favourite things, and for those, you need bread (that’s right I said sandwiches, not wraps.) But I can certainly go a meal without it, while the others would prefer not to. Luckily for […]

Kale Chips

Originally posted on March 14, 2017 I’ve made kale chips before and to be honest, I wasn’t too thrilled with them. I put them in the oven, toasted and salted them, and out came these little wisps that were no longer green. And they didn’t taste very good either. But, I come armed today with a new […]

Ree’s Sloppy Joes

Originally published on March 18, 2017 My past couple of recipes prove that you never stop learning in the kitchen. First there were the deep-fried kale chips that are a massive improvement on the old roasted ones I had on the site; and today it’s a new and improved Sloppy Joe recipe. Well, it’s new for our […]

Chicken and Potatoes One-Pot Dish

Originally published on March 24, 2017 The girls and I spent a little over a week with my family this past March Break and I did the cooking! Cooking at my childhood home is really no different than cooking at my current home – I still play around with different recipes and try new things. I […]

Roasted Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce

Originally posted on April 3, 2017 I love lamb. Like, I really love lamb. I try to buy it whenever I can when the husband isn’t here for dinner (he does not share my love of the lamb), but I always end up making it the same way. Lemon, garlic, rosemary – same way, every time. I’m just so scared […]

Chicken Quesadillas

Originally published on April 10, 2017 I love quesadillas. They’re quick, they’re easy, and they’re so tasty! Which is why when I made them for Girls’ Night a little while ago, I was appalled to find that I didn’t have one quesadilla recipe on the site. Not one! Well, that was something that had to be corrected right away, so […]

Salty and Sweet Easter Treats

Originally published on April 16, 2017 For the past couple of years, I’ve made super simple, super easy Easter treats. I don’t know what it is – maybe because Easter falls on a Sunday and in this house ‘Sunday’ equals kinda lazy – but while I enjoy making treats just for the holiday, I don’t like […]

Grilled Pimento Cheese Sandwiches

Originally published on April 30, 2017 The month of April really came in like a lamb and went out like a lion at our house. It began with a wonderful family vacation to Quebec City, and ended with me in bed pneumonia-ridden and suffering from several antibiotic side effects. That sickness almost made me miss Grilled Cheese Month altogether, […]

Proper Beer-Battered Fish

Originally published on May 3, 2017 So, before making this recipe, it had been nearly 10 years since I made fish and chips at home. That’s right. 10 years. Why? Because the last time I made it, it turned out to be a big bland awful mess. The beer batter stuck to the fryer basket, fell off when I […]

Tequila Sunrise

Originally published on May 5, 2017 It’s Cinco de Mayo! Every year I get excited about this holiday and use it as an excuse to partake of all kinds of Mexican food and drink. Little bit of trivia for you, while Mexicans docelebrate the day, they don’t actually call it Cinco de Mayo – that’s something reserved for […]