Author: katescuisine

Red Wine Reduction Sauce

Originally published on July 25, 2016 Wanna know why Red Wine Reduction Sauce is so popular in gourmet restaurants? Because it sounds sophisticated and elegant, but is so easy to make and can just be left simmering on the stove or in a bain marie. It’s just as sophisticated when you make it at home and I […]

Jen’s Greek Pasta Salad

Originally published on August 31, 2016 I have no explanation as to why it took me so long to get this recipe up on the site. One of my very good friends, Jen, gave it to me when my babies were still babies, and she actually gave me the recipe after giving me a massively […]

Grandma’s Casserole

Originally published on September 6, 2016 This summer was not the best for us. It was all going fine with sun and sand and everything else, and then my grandma fell. She’s 94 and broke her hip, so it was off to Niagara for us where it was a bunch of hospital visits and other […]

Grilled Maple Butter and Herb Chicken

Originally published on September 19, 2016 I’m crazy about maple syrup. It’s a relatively new thing, but in the past few years I haven’t been able to shake it. I try to put it on whatever I can get away with, and while at the CNE last month, I bought a jar of maple syrup in one of […]

Fire Roasted Tomatoes

Originally published on September 21, 2016 Tomatoes are one of my favourite foods. Whether you give them to me as a sauce, an appetizer, or just in a bowl, I’ll gladly eat them all. Roasting tomatoes over fire makes them even sweeter and juicier, and gives them a hint of smokiness that is perfect in the middle of […]

Jaime’s French Onion Pork Chops

Originally published on September 29, 2016 I’ve told you that my friends give me some good recipes, haven’t I? This one came to me from my good friend, Jaime, who’s just as crazy about food as I am, and is one of those people that takes pictures of their food and puts it up on […]

Salted Caramel Popcorn

Originally published on October 6, 2016 Is there anything better than caramel? I mean, really, I’d argue that it’s even better than chocolate. After all, we don’t try to get our roasts and vegetables to chocolatize now, do we? No, we want them to caramelize, because only then do you get the buttery, sugary tastiness that only […]

Harvard Beets

Originally published on October 17, 2016 Harvard beets are a funny thing. They’re kind of like pickled beets, but instead of being simmered in a pickling liquid and served cold, they’re quickly run through a warm gastrique and served hot. I spent some time trying to find out why these particular beets are known as Harvard beets, but my search was […]

Go Lo Yuk (Sweet and Sour Pork)

Originally published on October 20, 2016 I had no idea what yuk meant in Cantonese speak before doing this recipe, but I could only assume that it meant pork, or at least, sweet, or maybe even, sour. I mean, it can’t actually mean the same thing it means in English. Who would name a dish after that?! But, this is […]

Goat Cheese Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes

Originally published on October 27, 2016 These delicious little stuffed tomato nuggets were whipped up as a quick appetizer on an episode of Dinner Party Wars, a show that’s was aired on the Food Network until recently. Shocked that the hosts didn’t have anything for their guests to nibble on as soon as they walked through the door, […]