Author: katescuisine

San Francisco Pork Chops

Originally published on August 20, 2015 I can’t tell you why these are called “San Francisco Pork Chops“. I heard about these chops that were ‘from San Francisco’ and covered in a sauce of soy sauce and brown butter. Even as I was making them, I wondered what was so “San Fran” about these chops. I […]

Corn and Blueberry Salad

Originally published on August 24, 2015 After visiting one of the local farmer’s trucks that hang around our town, blueberries and corn looked so beautiful sitting together in my fridge, I wondered if they’d taste just as nicely together. Turns out, I’m not the first one to be struck by the thought of combining blueberries and corn in a salad, but others […]

Chicken Paprikash

Originally published on August 26, 2015 Chicken paprikash is a Hungarian dish that, as its name implies, uses a lot of paprika – a spice that I’m particularly fond of. When I first started cooking, I was convinced it was added to dishes for its bright colour only; and was so adamant about it that I […]

Bacon Cheeseburger Poutine

Originally published on September 5, 2015 Wanna know how good this is? It’s won awards. Well okay, one award. And it wasn’t really an award, not like a James Beard award or anything. But it is a winner and it did score me a gift certificate at work during our poutine contest. At the beginning of July, all […]

Warm Brussels Sprout Salad

Originally published on September 8, 2015 I love Brussels sprouts. They have to be fresh, not frozen, and they need to be cooked perfectly. Unlike many, I don’t think that always means cooking them in bacon grease and then sprinkling those crunchy bits of bacon throughout the sprouts. While I have made Brussels sprouts with bacon, this is a lighter […]

An Eggplant Parm Celebration

Originally published on September 10, 2015 I had one of the best meals of my life this summer. While visiting in Niagara, my mom wanted to take everyone out to celebrate my birthday. We went to Johnny Rocco’s, a gorgeous Italian restaurant in Niagara Falls that I fell in love with the moment I stepped […]

Teaching Kids How to Make Pizza

Originally published on September 17, 2015 So here’s the thing. As a parent, I have visions of me and my grown girls in the kitchen, preparing a big family feast together and chop-chop-chopping while we giggle away. And I’d like to think that one day, they’ll bring me breakfast in bed on Mother’s Day. But before […]

Paige and Maddie’s Strawberry Tart

Originally published on September 26, 2015 The girls and I had so much fun making pizza one night that it wasn’t long before they were back in the kitchen, aprons on and ready to help. Actually this strawberry tart supposed to be made the same night as the pizza but we had too much fun and ran out […]

How to Cook Ribs in the Oven

Originally published on October 2, 2015 That familiar October chill is officially in the air and while I still take a few trips out to the barbecue every now and then, they’re certainly fewer and farther between. Plus, during this time when I don’t really want to turn the furnace on just yet, letting the oven do […]

How to Roast Beets

Originally published on October 3, 2015 Beets might not be the sexiest vegetable in the garden, but I love ‘em. They have a sweet flavour that becomes so intense when you roast them, and they’re so versatile. My mom knows how I feel about this veggie that turns everything it touches purple, which is why on her last […]