Author: katescuisine

Taco Casserole

Originally published on August 22, 2014 I’ve talked a lot about Taco Night in our house, and even about how we always have a ton of leftovers. Who doesn’t after Taco Night? I mean, you always want to make sure that you have enough beef and toppings for everyone to stuff until they’re stuffed, but […]

Lemon Zucchini Bread

Originally published on August 23, 2014 I’ve made zucchini bread many times before. It usually comes out much like banana bread, dense and dark, and maybe a smidgen more nutritious than the banana variety. But when my mom sent me this lemon zucchini bread, I knew I had to try it out. Man, what a difference it is! This comes […]

Strawberry Pie

Originally published on August 25, 2014 I’ve been baking a lot this summer. I don’t really know why that is, as I’ve always considered myself someone who loves to cook – that is, fry, saute, roast meat and vegetables and barbecue – but has always been a bit of a klutz when it comes to baking. But […]

Cake Flour Substitute

Originally published on August 27, 2014 Walk down the “baking” section of any grocery store and you will quickly become dazed and confused just looking at all the different types of flours that are on the shelves. There’s of course, all-purpose, but there’s also bread flour, cake flour, whole wheat flour, and if you go one […]

How to Make Your Own Garlic Powder

Originally published on August 30, 2014 The other day I wanted to try a new chicken wing recipe my mother had sent me. Reading through it while checking all my cupboards to make sure I had all the ingredients, I was disheartened by the fact that I had no garlic powder, an important ingredient I needed […]

Marinated Bocconcini

Originally published on September 1, 2014 I fell in love with bocconcini cheese many moons ago, when I was still a teenager working in a restaurant kitchen in my hometown. Bocconcini is really just fresh mozzarella and you’ll find that it comes in a shape that falls somewhere between an oval and a square (unless […]

Cream of Mushroom Soup

Originally published on September 5, 2014 Cream of mushroom soup can be more than just a great meal (and this one is truly great!), it can also be stored in your freezer along with your stock and used as an ingredient in any dish that calls for it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve turned away […]

Stuffed Swiss Chard

Originally published on September 6, 2014 Typically when I buy Swiss chard, I cut the tough stems off, chop it all up, and throw it into a skillet with some olive oil, salt, and pepper. When I saw it staring up at me from my shopping cart this week though, I wanted to do something different […]

Veggie Burgers

Originally published on September 8, 2014 Let’s be real for a minute. I’m a carnivore at heart. I love bacon and sausages, steak, and there’s little that I find as tasty as a really delicious burger. I’ve eaten veggie burgers too, but those are usually reserved for restaurants or the frozen food aisle at the grocery store. That […]

Chardonnay Ham

Originally published on September 9, 2014 My mom inspires a lot of my recipes. Whether it’s a dish from my childhood that I want to recreate or a recipe link that interested her and she passed on to me, I often find my recipes going back to my mom. This ham dish though didn’t come from something […]