Author: katescuisine

Mango and Corn Salsa

Originally published on August 4, 2014 I’ve lived in a lot of different places during my life. From small towns to big cities, I’m starting to think that I’ve done them all, and I love it. Because of this somewhat nomadic lifestyle of mine, I’ve been able to see what different regions have to offer, […]


Originally published on August 5, 2014 When I first heard of this thing known as bread salad, or “panzanella,” I didn’t know quite what to make of it. I guess that’s par for the course with me, as I might be the only person I know that doesn’t like croutons on my Caesar salad. But, getting […]

Zucchini Sticks

Originally published on August 6, 2014 You can expect to see a lot of zucchini recipes on the site in the next few weeks. That’s right, it’s zucchini season! And while this vegetable can be somewhat pricey in the grocery stores, if you can find a farmers’ market or a vegetable stand, they typically sell for about a dollar […]

Roasted Potatoes that are Actually Boiled

Originally published on August 8, 2014 It seems my entire adult life I’ve been trying to find new ways to cook potatoes. The only side dishes that dear hubby really likes are rice and potatoes, leaving me constantly trying to find new ways to stave off boredom when it comes time to prepare (and eat) them. I’ve […]

Zucchini Bread

Originally published on August 9, 2014 When you get tired of eating banana bread for your breakfast or snack, or just happen to have several zucchinis in your fridge like I did, turning them into a delicious loaf is a good way to use them all up. If you’re worried about all the sugar in this recipe, don’t be. […]

Loaded Cauliflower

Originally published on August 12, 2014 As we saw a few months ago during Cauliflower Week here on the site, there are tons of creative ways you can use this vegetable. You can turn it into tots, or fried rice, or even pizza. You really can use it for just about anything – even turn it into baked […]

Peach Galette

Originally published on August 13, 2014 Martha Stewart has taught me a lot this week. First she taught me that you can boil roasted potatoes, and just yesterday she taught me the differences between certain pie crusts. I had always been making the same one – cold butter or shortening cut into flour, and then just a […]

“Summertime” Pasta

Originally published on August 16, 2014 The other day we had a high of 14 degrees Celsius. On the 14th of August. It was also raining. Despite all of this, we had just gotten a new gas tank for our barbecue and I was dying to grill, char, and smoke something. So, neither rain nor chilly weather would […]

Zucchini Pizzas

Originally published on August 18, 2014 Looking back on when I made these zucchini pizzas (which was just a couple of days ago) I’m so conflicted. I mean, they were good – really, really good. But I was so hoping that by slathering slices of zucchini with spaghetti sauce and cheese, my older daughter Paige – who hates zucchini – would love […]


Originally published on August 20, 2014 Today is Wednesday, and that means that yesterday was Taco Tuesday in our house. Usually I just make Pico de Gallo as a topping, but now that I’ve been working in a restaurant for the past several weeks, I’ve been able to see  how really, really good salsa is made. And even more, […]