Author: katescuisine

Spanish Chicken Dinner

Originally published on June 17, 2014 Sometimes you just want to try a dish that comes from somewhere else in the world, even if you don’t know exactly what that dish is. One night, as I was staring at a full roaster chicken, I decided I wanted to go Spanish with it. The only problem? […]

Eggless Mayo

Originally published on June 18, 2014 I truly feel super bad for anyone that can’t eat eggs. I really do think they’re the perfect food, and it’s gotten to the point where my husband even teases me because of my love for them. So when I hear of someone who can’t eat them, my heart […]

Chinese Vegetables

Originally published on June 19, 2014 If you’ve already tried the egg rolls, ginger beef, or chow mein recipes up on the site (or have just seen me post them,) you know I love Chinese food. And even more, I love not paying the big bucks to get it delivered to my home. So when I figured out that […]

How to Make Roasted Asparagus on the Grill

Originally published on June 20, 2014 There are lots of ways to cook asparagus, but of all of them, simple roasted asparagus is probably my favourite. And in the summertime, taking them outside and throwing them on the grill is my most favourite of all. But if you’ve ever tried to do it, you’ve probably noticed the same […]

Bacon and Egg Salad

Originally published on June 22, 2014 We’re big on bacon and eggs around here. When my husband was growing up it was tradition in their household to enjoy a big breakfast every Sunday morning. Everyone filled up, and everyone got their eggs to order. I’ve carried on with that tradition now that we have our […]

Southwestern Gremolata

Originally published on June 23, 2014 Herbs are one of my favourite ingredients in the kitchen, especially this time of year when gardens and kitchens seem to be overflowing with them. But they’re good for more than just sprinkling into a dish here or using as a garnish there. You can use them as a […]


Originally published on June 24, 2014 Tzatziki is so good, and if you’re one of the ones still trying to figure out how to pronounce it, it’s za-DZEE-kee. It’s hard to imagine that this delicious Greek dip/condiment is made up mostly of cucumbers and yogurt, but that really is all it takes. Well, and maybe […]

My Big Fat Greek Burger

Originally published on June 25, 2014 The other day I talked about how I was craving Spanish food one night and so I went online in search of the best Spanish ingredients and created something from them. Last night, I was craving Greek food and so I did the same thing. Hooked up with my […]

Tortilla Chips

Originally published on June 26, 2014 You might think that making tortilla chips is pretty straightforward; I know I did. Slather them with some oil, cut them into triangles, and then throw them into a hot oven. Right? Right? Someone tell me I’m right. Actually, I wasn’t right. And the first time I tried to […]

Quinoa Salad

Originally published on June 28, 2014 Quinoa confuses me. Firstly, yes, when I first saw it on store shelves, I was one of those that contorted my mouth into all kinds of different shapes trying to pronounce it exactly as it’s spelled. When I learned that it was pronounced KEEN-wah, I thought I was all […]